Role: Lead Designer

When I was first establishing Neon Tiger Games, I took a contract with Isoplay as their for a music rhythm game. This game was developed in associationwith Cheetah Animation Studios in China and in Poland. I worked with the CEO of Isoplay on game design, the manager of Cheetah Studios on our art asset pipeline, and the owner of on engineering estimates and deliverables. I tracked progress from all three departments and delivered efficiency reports to the CEO of Isoplay. I also did game design!

There were three joys of this project for me. One, handing a diverse management situaiton. Two, designing a music rhythm game. Three, reaching out into my music industry contacts and recruiting interested bands.


  • Worked directly with CEO on product vision

  • System design for game features

  • Coordinated art assets and engineering requirements


Mad Pets


Animal Shelter